A Call to Action
White Supremacy in the Age of Covid
As the Board of Directors of the Episcopal Urban Caucus reflects on the 40th anniversary of our founding, we realize how much of the work that called us to “Seek the Welfare of the City…” has been left unaccomplished.
As people of faith and members of the Episcopal Urban Caucus we write to decry the sin of White Supremacy. That these acts have been occurring in increasing numbers is undeniable. One need only watch the evening news for proof. While our country is attempting to curb the outbreak of a physical disease, we must, at the same time, defeat the unholy acts of racist terrorism occurring too frequently in our cities around the country. These acts have facilitated the inequalities that have permitted and enabled the disproportionate number of victims of Covid who are People of Color.

Minneapolis is only the latest in a series of ongoing events. For every Ahmaud Arbery, Christian Cooper, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor who have been attacked, there are many more whose families must grieve that their child’s only “crime” was growing up black.
As baptized Christians and agents of justice, it is our mission to call out acts of violence and racism when and where and however we see them; to name it for what it is — a sin.
We will not be deterred by those that would infiltrate our acts of resistance by inciting violence. We will continue to faithfully live into our baptismal covenant to respect the worth and dignity of every human being and we will stand in solidarity with allies who are willing to do the same.
When it is deemed safe, and we emerge from our homes, we have a responsibility to recreate for our children a world that is a safe place for them to occupy – to strive to eradicate diseases of both the body and the soul. Pray that they may pursue bird watching and jogging and then expect to return safely to their homes.
May the Gospel commandment to uphold the dignity of every human being be our watchword.
The Board of Directors of the Episcopal Urban Caucus